On March 23, we will need help preparing cotton candy from 10am to 12pm at FBC Fayetteville. We will also need help packing Easter bags during that time. This will be a great opportunity for the whole family to serve together!

At 12pm, we will gather at FBC Fayetteville for lunch in the Fellowship Hall. During that time, Heather Johnson will lead a discussion on the importance of Hands On Fayetteville and the ways that we will reach our community on that day.

At 1pm, we will go to our outreach areas. Prayer walking will take place in the Fayetteville Housing Authority area. We will set up a tent at Don Davidson Park to hand out our Easter bags, giving them the gospel and an invitation to join us in worship.

Thank you for your interest in partnering with us as we engage our community for the glory of God! Please sign up for a great day of outreach using the button below.